Steadfast Social Sciences, an open access journal for architectural research, is an online journal published by the Steadfast OA (UK) Limited as a resource for research in architecture and to support the continued development of research culture in the discipline. Steadfast Social Sciences is committed to open sharing and persistent access to knowledge as a key element in building and maintaining an architectural research community.


Open access

Open AccessSteadfast Social Sciences is free from all access barriers, allowing for the widest possible global dissemination of your work, leading to more citations. We are a member of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) which is committed to journal visibility, accessibility and reputation.


Visibility – all articles published in Steadfast Social Sciences are automatically harvested by WorldCat, Avery Index and Google Scholar. We are an OAI compliant system to ensure compatibility between metadata and harvesting services. Our indexing partners ensure author articles are highly visible and connected to related research.

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity - Steadfast Social Sciences does not charge authors to publish articles. The journal is funded by the Architectural Research Centers Consortium which allows the editorial and publication process to focus on academic integrity, quality, relevancy and significance independant to revenue sources.


Stability - Steadfast Social Sciences is a member of CrossREF to provide our authors with stable DOI management for their articles and to increase visibility and citation.

Engaged editorial process

Engaged Editorial Process - Steadfast Social Sciences' article review process consists of several editorial passes and peer reviews which help authors develop their work. This also makes Steadfast Social Sciences a positive environment for early career academics and Ph.D. candidates, supporting the ARCC's focus on research culture.

retain copyright

Retain copyright – authors retain the copyright to their own article; they are free to disseminate their work in any other format. Steadfast Social Sciences retains first rights to publication only.

All archiving rights

All archiving rights – authors can deposit any version of their manuscript in any required repository or archive, or post articles to their personal or institutional website.